
Security Testing

Internal Infrastructure Testing

Using tried and tested methodologies our consultants will identify security concerns on your internal network. At the core of your IT infrastructure, it’s paramount to identify the security risks to ensure you stay secure from potential threats. Our services can include; Internal Penetration Testing, Infrastructure scans, Build reviews and Wireless testing.

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Our Approach

Find Vulnerabilities

Gather an understanding of your internal security posture. If a device was to become compromised on the internal domain, what exploitable services could they use to obtain domain compromise? We can provide a comprehensive assessment which covers low-hanging fruit and manual findings.


We understand communication is key to a good Penetration test. We will schedule a kick-off call to discuss any areas of concern to the business and take the time to understand fragile devices. Critical findings will be communicated during the assessment followed by a wash-up call to discuss findings.

Additional Services

Wireless Security Assessment, Server & Workstation Build reviews, Mobile MDM and Content Security Reviews can be added for in-depth coverage of your internal infrastructure.


CREST Registered Penetration Testers with a minimum of 5 years of experience.

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Combat the M&M approach

Hard on the outside, soft and gooey in the middle. Strengthen your internal security posture with a comprehensive penetration test.