
Security Testing

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing allows testing your web applications and infrastructure to identify potential security vulnerabilities. Utilising automated and manual exploitation tools to identify security threats.

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Internal and External Infrastructure

At the core of your IT infrastructure, it’s paramount to identify the security risks to ensure you stay secure from potential threats. Using tried and tested techniques and methodologies our team can assist in minimising the attack surface and highlight any issues.

Web Applications

We follow the OWASP top 10 framework including additional checks to ensure comprehensive coverage of web applications. Our experienced consultants, using automated and manual tooling will seek out; Common exploits and vulnerabilities, Access control checks and much more to ensure you can identify the risks and take action.

Onsite Social Engineering

Security does not stop in the cloud, ensure staff and physical security can handle a malicious actor onsite. Our consultants have a wealth of knowledge in carrying out onsite social engineering. We can tailor-make scenarios to best suit your business or client’s objectives.


Email phishing attacks are on the constant rise, ensure staff remain aware to stop attacks. Our consultants can create tailor-made campaigns and bespoke scenarios to suit your business or clients.

Cloud Security Reviews

We can assess AWS, Azure, GCP and O365 cloud environments. Our assessments utilise automated and manual tooling to assess common mis-configurations.

Additional Services

Wireless Security Assessment, Server & Workstation Build reviews, Mobile MDM and Content Security Reviews can be added for in-depth coverage of your internal infrastructure.

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External Security

Limit your exposure

External penetration testing will assess the security implementation on your perimeter routers, firewalls and Web Applications. External tests will also assess security restrictions for Web Applications Firewalls (WAFs) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) that are Internet facing. The ever growing implementation of internet connected devices pose a critical risk to your business. Wolf Network Security understands the need to test these assets and services.